Towards the 9th ASEM Summit in Laos in 2012: Asia-Europe Relations in the 21st Century

Towards the 9th ASEM Summit in Laos in 2012: Asia-Europe Relations in the 21st Century
Author/editor: Thomas Roe
Year published: 2012
Volume no.: 3
Issue no.: 3


This paper discusses the origins, purpose and functioning of the Asia-Europe Meetings (ASEM) that have been convened since 1996 between Asian and European countries. It places ASEM in an emerging multi-polar world and elaborates ASEM’s growth in terms of membership and functionality, as well as its role in fostering bilateral relations between Europe and Asia. The paper details outcomes of the 2010 ASEM 8 summit and the multi-faceted process towards the 2012 ASEM 9 summit in Laos.

Updated:  5 May 2015/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications