Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Martin Tlapa visits for Roundtable

Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Martin Tlapa visits for Roundtable
Friday 1 November 2019

Exploring the Czech Republic’s export system and economic diplomacy

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation held a Policy Roundtable that brought together members of the European Diplomatic Community, senior economists from the Australian Public Service and academics from the ANU.

The Minister delivered a presentation on several issues, including the changes in the economy and international trade. He focused on the goods and services demanded by the global economy and the contributions that the Czech Republic can make. The challenges of such trade were also discussed with an emphasis on the risks associated with the potential ‘close’ of export markets. Adding to the value of exports and the share of services is a significant point of interest for the Czech Republic because it is one of the main factors contributing to the economy’s growth.

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Updated:  8 November 2019/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications