The Public Health Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America


Marita Linkson
The Public Health Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America

Join us for this five-part webinar series co-hosted by the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) and the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) as we delve into the diversity of responses to COVID-19 in six Latin American countries. Gain an insight into the social, economic and mental health impacts; and the variety of scientific, public health and policy approaches taken. 

Webinar series host: Noel Campbell (Associate Director, ANCLAS) 

Noel Campbell

Webinar series co-chairs: Luis Salvador-Carulla (ANU), Francesco Paolucci (University of Newcastle), Gisselle Gallego (University of Notre Dame), Fernanda Penaloza (University of Sydney)


Download the series flyer

Download the detailed program including bios for all speakers


Webinar 1 (English) - The Evidence: Understanding the situation in Latin America

Thursday 5 November | 9:00am - 10:30am (AEDT)

(Wednesday evening, 4 November 2020 in South America)

Speakers: Francesco Paolucci, Ana Rita Sequeira, Blanca Gallego

Co-chair: Luis Salvador-Carulla

Stream the recording>>


Webinar 2 (English) - South America: Brazil, Chile, Uruguay

Friday 13 November | 9:00am - 10:30am (AEDT)

(Thursday evening, 12 November 2020 in South America)

Speakers: Carolina Velasco, José Pedro Arcos

Co-chair: Francesco Paolucci

Register here


Webinar 3 (English) - Central America and the Caribbean: Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba

Thursday 19 November | 9:00am - 10:30am (AEDT)

(Wednesday evening, 18 November 2020 in South America)

Speakers: Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Pedro Leon Azofeifa, Pedro Mas Bernejo

Co-chair: Gisselle Gallego

Register here


Webinar 4 (English) - Impact on Mental health in Latin America

Thursday 26 November | 9:00am - 10:30am (AEDT)

(Wednesday evening, 25 November 2020 in South America)

Speakers: Matias Irarrazaval, Denise Razzouk, Maria Elena Medina Mora

Co-chair: Luis Salvador-Carulla

Register here


Webinar 5 (Spanish) - Roundtable: Lessons Learnt

Thursday 3 December | 9:00am - 10:30am (AEDT)

(Wednesday evening, 2 December 2020 in South America)

Speakers: Gisselle Gallego, Carolina Velasco, Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Pedro Leon Azofeifa, Pedro Mas Bernejo, Jose Pedro Arcos, Alexandre Kalache

Co-chair: Fernanda Penaloza

Register here


Presented by:

Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) and the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research

In collaboration with:

University of Newcastle (UON) Value in health economics & Policy (VheP) group; University of Notre Dame, School of Medicine, Sydney; Sydney University Research Community for Latin America (SURCLA); and University of New South Wales, Centre for Big Data Research in Health

For full program details, and to register:

visit here


Updated:  19 November 2020/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications