Serrin Rutledge-Prior

Serrin Rutledge-Prior

Position: Graduated PhD Candidate
School and/or Centres: School of Politics & International Relations


Location: Level 3, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Crescent


BA (Politics; Philosophy) (Adelaide) BSc (Evolution and Ecology; Biological Anthropology) (ANU)

Researcher profile:

Thesis title: Cutting out the middleperson: An interests-based account of animals' legal inclusion

Serrin is a PhD Candidate with the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University, under the supervision of Keith Dowding (Chair), Alexandra Oprea, and Christian Barry. She holds a BSc in Evolution and Ecology, and Biological Anthropology from the ANU, and a BA in Philosophy and Politics at the University of Adelaide. In 2018, she was a participant in the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute in Bioethics at Yale University.

Serrin's PhD thesis focuses on the legal status of animals, and how they can be better protected within the legal system. In particular, she explores whether the concept of legal personhood is useful for improving animals' legal protection. Her other research work looks at the responses of the media and the legal system to animal activism in Australia.

You can follow @serrinrp on Twitter to keep up with her research.

Political philosophy; animal politics; animal law; public discourse

Rutledge-Prior, S & Beggs, R 2021, ‘Of droughts and fleeting rains: Drought, agriculture and media discourse in Australia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History.

Rutledge-Prior, S 2019, ‘Non-human animals and moral responsiveness: A challenge to Kantian morality’, Ethics and the Environment, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 45-76.

Hill, L & Rutledge-Prior, S 2016, ‘Young people and intentional informal voting in Australia’, Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 51, no. 3, pp.1-18.

C. B. Martin Prize for a Philosophy Major (University of Adelaide, 2015) 
Professor Sir William Mitchell Essay Prize for Philosophy (University of Adelaide, 2015)

  • POLS1002 Introduction to Politics
  • POLS2063 Contemporary Political Theory
  • POLS2102 Refugee Politics
  • POLS2119 Ideas in Politics
  • BIOL3191 Biology, Society and Ethics

Updated:  19 November 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications