Democracy and Citizen Engagement: A panel discussion about Australia and Ireland
Democracy is in danger. Not only are some political figures interested in dismantling democracy, but more and more citizens are dissatisfied with democracy, are sceptical about democracy’s value, and question whether it is the best way to run their country. How do citizens in Australia and Ireland relate to democracy? How can a greater level of engagement of citizens in the political process be achieved?
Join us for a panel discussion with the Secretary General of the Electoral Commission of Ireland, Mr Art O'Leary and Dr Marija Taflaga (ANU), Professor Nicholas Biddle (ANU), Professor Ian McAllister (ANU), and Professor Nicole Curato (University of Canberra).
This in-person event will take place at the Ian Wark Theatre (The Shine Dome).
This event is hosted by the ANU School of Politics and International Relations, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.