
The following publications have been written by the Mapping the Australian Women's Movement project team. More will be added as they become available.


The project's capstone volume, The Women's Movement in Protest, Institutions and the Internet: Australia in transnational perspective, was published in 2013. Download the flyer.


A review essay by Sean Scalmer, University of Melbourne of the above publication ‘Social movement studies’ and the nature of contemporary movements: New challenges, enduring habits

The graphic presentation of the institutions database created by the project can be found here.

'Critical perspectives on studying women's movements', a collection of four papers arising from a panel convened by Marian Sawer and Sarah Maddison at the International Political Science Association Congress in Santiago, July 2009. The papers, which have been published in Politics & Gender: Critical Perspectives 6 (4), December 2010, 601–629, include:

Merrindahl Andrew, 'Women's movement institutionalisation: The need for new approaches'

Paul Bagguley, 'The limits of protest event data and repertoires for the analysis of contemporary feminism'

Sandra Grey, 'When no "official record" exists?'

Marian Sawer, 'Premature obituaries: How can we tell if the women's movement is over?'

Other publications by project members:

Marian Sawer and Gwendolyn Gray Jamieson (2014), 'The Women's Movement and Government: Feminist Fading?', Australian Feminist Studies, 29 (82): 403-418.

Merrindahl Andrew and Kirsty McLaren (2012), 'On the Streets and in the State: How do Protest Events Relate to State Feminism?', paper to the International Political Science Association Congress, Madrid, Spain, July 2012.

Merrindahl Andrew (2012), 'The institutional legacy: Women's services and women's policy agencies'. Analysis of institutions data by jurisdiction and by partisan complexion of government.

Merrindahl Andrew (2011), 'The durability of core women's policy machinery elements in the Australian jurisdictions (1970-2005): Preliminary findings of the Mapping the Australian Women's Movement project', August 2011.

Merrindahl Andrew (2011), 'Meagre Harvest or Just Poorly Documented? Tracking women's movement legacies through government records', paper to the Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Canberra, September 2011.

Merrindahl Andrew (2009), 'Looking back at thinking ahead: Feminist institution-building in Australia', paper to the International Political Science Association Congress, Santiago, Chile, July 2009.

Kirsty McLaren (2011), 'Continuity and Change: Protest event analysis of the Australian Women's Movement 1970–2005', paper to the Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Canberra, September 2011.

Frances Shaw (2009), 'The Politics of Blogs: Theories of Discursive Activism', paper for Internet Research 10.0 - Internet: Critical, conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Milwaukee, USA, October 2009.

Frances Shaw (2009), 'The Politics of Blogs: Australian Feminism Online', paper for Australian Political Studies Association conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, September 2009.

Conference presentations

Kirsty McLaren (2010), 'On the streets and in the halls of power: spatial metaphors and social movements', paper to the Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2010, University of Melbourne, September 2010.

Kirsty McLaren (2010), 'Media reporting of the women's movement', paper to the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research, Inc. Social Science Methodology Conference 2010, University of Sydney, December 2010.

Marian Sawer (2010), 'Women's movement legacies in Australia', paper to Protest, Dissent and Activism: A Public Symposium, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, October 2010.

Frances Shaw (2010), 'Towards a feminist methodology of listening', paper to the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research, Inc. Social Science Methodology Conference 2010, University of Sydney, December 2010.

'Mapping social movements: methodological and substantive issues', a panel convened by Marian Sawer at the Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, December 2009:

Merrindahl Andrew (2009), 'Legacies and agents: women's movement institutions in Australia', paper to The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Canberra, December.

Kirsty McLaren and Catherine Strong (2009), '"The women are revolting": A database of women's movement protest events', paper to The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Canberra, December.

Frances Shaw (2009), 'The Australian feminist blogosphere: methods of analysis', paper to The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Canberra, December.


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