Graduated PhD Students

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Ernest Akuamoah
Incumbent Leaders and Violent Electoral Behaviour
Daniel Casey
"Dear Prime Minister...." How letters to leaders impact the political agenda
Intifar Chowdhury
Are Young People Turning Away from Democracy? A Comparative Study of Youth Disengagement in Advance Democracies.
Victor Alexander Ferguson
Economic Lawfare: Law, Market Structure and Economic Power
Chakma Anurung
Isobel Rose Crealy
New Australians as Good Australians: Constructing the Young Middle Eastern Refugee as the Good Citizen
Stephen John Darlington
Converging outcomes in nationality shareable electronic health records (NEHRs): A historical institutionalist explanation of similar NEHR outcomes in Australia, England and the United States of America
Edmund Leo Werner Handby
Evaluating Models of Conceptual Change
Serrin Rutldege-Prior
Cutting out the middle person: An interest-based account on animals' legal inclusion
Michael Kumove
You Talkin' to Me? The effect of communication barriers on trust in diverse societies.
Dinara Pisareva
Democratic Support, Protests, and Authoritarian Violence in Non-Democracies
Grant Douglas
An insider's perspective: Governance of large ICT software projects in the Australian and New Zealand public sectors
Borui Song
An Incomplete Reform: Understanding Horizontal Fiscal Equalization in China
Ana Alonso Soriano
Icons of the Past: Stories about children born of violence in the Guatemalan and Peruvian Truth Commissions
Emily Look
Support for democracy under authoritarianism: post-communist political learning in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Carlos Arturo Espinosa Gallegos-Anda
Ecuador's Good Living: Crises, Discourse, and Law
Valerie Margaret Barrett
Parliamentary Administration: What does it mean to manage a parliament effectively?
Stephen George Norman
Political Settlements and Growth-Enhancing Institutions: A comparative historical analysis of the horticulture sector in Kenya and Tanzania
Feodor Snagovsky
Representation and Legitimacy: Diffuse Support and Descriptive Representation in Westminster Democracies
Garry Ellis Sturgess
Barry Jones In Search of Lost Time - A Film Story
Blair Williams
From Tightrope to Gendered Trope: A comparative study of the print mediation of women Prime Ministers
James Lachlan Cameron
From Minority to Mainstream - The Electoral Rise of the Scottish National Party 1999-2016
Lars Moen
The Republican Dilemma: Liberating Republicanism, Sacrificing Pluralism
Carlos Eduardo Morreo Boada
Critical oil Politics: Governing oil in left turn Latin America.
Genrikh Salata
The role of experiential knowledge in foreign market commitment: A process perspective on the internationalisation of Australian services SMEs
Erick Viramontes Viramontes
Speaking about Qatar: Discourses on National Identity in Postcolonial Gulf
Ram Prasad Ghimire
Examining the adoption of governance reforms in Nepal: Success or failure in the post-liberalisation era (1990-2015)?
Kelvin Jian Ming Lee
Trust and environmental valuation: The impact of culture as a system
Anwar Musadat
Participatory Planning and Budgeting in Decentralised Indonesia: Understanding Participation, Responsiveness and Accountability
Elizabeth Buchanan
Russian Arctic strategy under Putin: conflict or cooperation?
Kerrie Jean O’Rourke
The Ethics of Codes of Ethics
Rickey Umback
Constituting Australia's International Wireless Service: 1901-1922
Yasmi Adriansyah
The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Indonesia's Foreign Policy
Jessica Genauer
Rebuilding Contested States: A comparative study of institutional design during political transition in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, & Tunisia
Thomas King
The Rise and Fall of Minor Political Parties in Australia
Carmen Robledo-Lopez
New Donors, same old practices? Development cooperation policies of middle-income countries.
Evan Thomas Williams
Australian Immigration 2001–2013: Exploring attitudes towards asylum seekers and immigrants
Sarah Cameron
Citizen Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: A Comparative Study of Participation and Democratic Support
Melissa Jogie
The Great Tradition of Texts: How to Break the Mould? A Study of English Education in Australia & England
David Monk
The dominant discourse of central bank independence
Jane Smyth
Visual arts education: The potential for teacher delight or despair
Shaun Crowe
Whitlam's children? Labor and the Greens in Australia
John Hawkins
The Australian treasurers: managers and reformers in an evolving role
Marija Taflaga
Politics, Policy Development and Political Communication during Opposition: The Federal Liberal Party of Australia 1983 – 1996 and 2007– 2013
Tanja Porter
Policy debate in the age of social media: The Australian experience
Troy Cruickshank
Economic voting and the Great Recession in Europe: A comparative study of twenty-five countries
Liyana Kayali
Palestinian Women and Resistance: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Strategies in the Bethlehem Governorate
Tulika Saxena
Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act: Stumbling or Striving Ahead?
William Bosworth
Concepts and consistency in political argument
Adam Packer
The difference constitutions make: A global inquiry into the impacts of institutional design
Jennifer Rayner
Beyond winning: Party goals and campaign strategy in Australian elections
Harvey Whiteford
Shaping mental health policy in Australia, 1988-2008
Fiona Allen
Nina Markovic
Political Relations between the European Union and Serbia in a broader historical perspective: Assessing normative obstacles to Serbia's European integration
James Low
A commitment to professional reform: An administrative history of executive development and training in the Singapore Public Service, 1959 to 2001
Peter Jones
The falling rate of profit and the Great Recession
John Butcher
Compacts between government and the not-for-profit sector: A comparative case study of national and sub-national cross-sector policy frameworks
Andrew Felicetti
Deliberative and democratic qualities in the public sphere: A comparative study of transition initiatives in Italy and Australia
Penelope Margaret Marshall
Playing for sheep stations: A discourse analysis of wild dog management and control policy in New South Wales, Australia
Katherine Mimilidis
Rio Budi Rahmanto
Developing country coalitions in the Doha-round: The liberal trade and development nexus
Michael Rollens
Theory of Analytic Journalism
Jillian Sheppard
The internet, society and politics: political participation in Australia
Andrew Klassen
Perceptions of electoral fairness: public behaviour and institutional design compared across 80 countries
Adam Masters
Global public-private partnerships: different perspectives
Alison Plumb
Euthanasia Politics in the Australian State and Territorial Parliaments
Ratu Nawi Rakuita
'Radicalising' the public sphere: from Habermas to Adorno
Brad Taylor
Exit and voice: papers from a revisionist public choice perspective
Maria Noelyn Dano
Environmental governance for ecological and human wellbeing: cases of forest protected areas in the Philippines
Michael De Percy
Connecting the nation: An historical institutionalist explanation for divergent communications technology outcomes in Canada and Australia
Michael Leininger-Ogawa
Michel Foucault's anti-ontologies
Guy Ronald Emerson
Battle for the Americas: U.S. and Venezuelan visions for Latin America
Adrian Bazbauers
Technocracy and the market: World Bank Group Technical Assistance and the rise of neoliberalism
Moira Byrne Garton
Isabelle Macgregor
Death ex machina? The use of technology and its impact on genocide and prevention
Brendan John McCaffrie
Locating leadership success in political time: analysing presidents and prime ministers in historical context
Helen Taylor
Resolving conflict in a divided society: contact, community relations and identity in Northern Ireland
Muzaffer-Selen Ayirtman Ercan
Beyond multiculturalism: a deliberative democratic approach to 'illiberal' cultures
Tom Chodor
Neoliberal globalisation and Latin American resistance: a neo-Gramscian perspective
Mhairi Cowden
Do children have rights: five theoretical reflections on children's rights
Michael Dalvean
The Selection of Cabinet Ministers in the Australian Federal Parliament
Dale Elvy
Terrorism, public opinion and policy: a comparison of Australia and the United States
Andrew Herd
Guest workers in the age of globalisation: Australia's 457 visa program
Matthew Laing
New perspectives on political time: populists, Prime Ministers and perpetual preemption
Melissa Lovell
Liberalism, settler colonialism, and the Northern Territory intervention
Karen Tindall
Understanding and evaluating large-scale consular emergency response
Christopher Vas
Transforming think tanks into ‘policy hubs’: The creation of research−policy networks
Donna Seto
No place for a war baby: the global politics of children born of wartime sexual violence
Yu Hong Lo
Deliberative Monetary Valuation as a Political-Economic Methodology: Exploring the Prospect for Value Pluralism with a Case Study on Australian Climate Change Policy
Kirsty McLaren
Imperative images: the use of images of the foetus in the Australian abortion debate, 1998-2009
Katherine Curchin
The ethics of criticising other cultures