HDR supervisors - SPIR


Research interests

Katrine Beauregard

Political behaviour, elections, and gender and politics

April Biccum

Political mobilisation, communication, Global Citizenship, Global Education Governance, any aspect of empire or imperialism

Keith Dowding

Political Theory and Political Philosophy - analytic political theory, especially freedom, equality, power, democratic theory, theories of justice, rational choice theory, philosophy of social science.

Patrick Dumont

Political elites

Executive-legislative relations

Parties and party systems

Coalition theory

Elections, Voting Advice Applications

Tracy Fenwick

Topics related to Latin America

Topics related to Comparative and/or Australian Federalism (all areas/regions)

Ben Goldsmith International conflict, Foreign policy and public opinion, International relations in Asia, Genocide and mass atrocities.

Matthew Kerby

Political careers (promotion, demotion, pre/post careers, resignations and sackings, party discipline and rewards)

Political institutions: especially legislatures and political executives

Maria Maley

Australian politics and public administration

Ian McAllister

Australian politics and political behaviour

Comparative political behaviour

Elections and voting

Postcommunist politics

Quynh Nguyen

Public opinion, environmental politics, international trade, and migration, international political economy.

Jill Sheppard

Australian politics

Political behaviour

Public opinion

Survey research and methods

Marija Taflaga

Comparative Political Parties

Comparative Political Elites

Australian Politics

Australian Political History

Gender and politics

John Uhr

Honours and PhD students in any area of Australian politics

Annika Werner

Political parties, public attitudes, populism, representation, democratic developments as well as German, Austrian and EU politics.


Updated:  30 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications